Peer reviewed publications

  1. Sujoy Basak, Arpit Babbar, Harish Kumar and Praveen Chandrashekar, "Bound preserving Lax-Wendroff flux reconstruction method for special relativistic hydrodynamics", Journal of Computational Physics (2025). [Arxiv], [Journal]
  2. Arpit Babbar and Praveen Chandrashekar, "Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction on adaptive curvilinear meshes with error based time stepping for hyperbolic conservation laws", Journal of Computational Physics (2025). [Arxiv], [Journal]
  3. Arpit Babbar and Praveen Chandrashekar, "Multi-derivative Runge-Kutta flux reconstruction for hyperbolic conservation laws", to appear in Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation. [Arxiv]
  4. Arpit Babbar and Praveen Chandrashekar, "Generalized framework for admissibility preserving Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms", Proceedings of International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM2023). [Arxiv]
  5. Arpit Babbar and Praveen Chandrashekar, "Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction for advection-diffusion equations with error-based time stepping", Proceedings of International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM2023). [Arxiv]
  6. Arpit Babbar, Sudarshan Kumar Kenettinkara, Praveen Chandrashekar, "Admissibility preserving subcell limiter for Lax-Wendroff flux reconstruction", Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 99, Issue 2, May 2024 [Arxiv], [Journal]
  7. Arpit Babbar, Sudarshan Kumar Kenettinkara and Praveen Chandrashekar, Lax-Wendroff flux reconstruction method for hyperbolic conservation laws, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 467, October 2022. [Arxiv], [Journal]


  1. Arpit Babbar and Qifan Chen, "Compact Runge-Kutta Flux Reconstruction for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with admissibility preservation". [Arxiv]
  2. Arpit Babbar and Praveen Chandrashekar, "Equivalence of ADER and Lax-Wendroff in DG/FR framework for linear problems". [Arxiv]


  1. Admissibility preserving Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction schemes for compressible flows, IGHASC: Indo-german Workshop on Hardware-aware Scientific Computing 2024, Heidelberg, Germany.
  2. Compact Runge-Kutta Flux Reconstruction methods, Kompaktseminar 2024, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany.
  3. Admissibility preserving Flux Reconstruction / Discontinuous Galerkin methods for compressible flows, Mathematics Of the Weather 2024, Bad Orb, Germany.
  4. TrixiLW.jl: A high-order, single stage hyperbolic PDE solver using Trixi.jl, Arpit Babbar, Praveen Chandrashekar, invited to present in the Numerical Engine Room Talks
  5. Domain-invariant subcell-based blending limiter for Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction, Arpit Babbar, Praveen Chandrashekar, Sudarshan Kumar Kenettinkara, ICIAM August 20-25, 2023, Waseda Univ., Tokyo
  6. Embedded error-based time stepping for Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction for compressible flows, Arpit Babbar, Praveen Chandrashekar, ICOSAHOM, 14-18 August, 2023, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
  7. Admissibility preserving subcell limiter for Lax-Wendroff flux reconstruction, Arpit Babbar, Praveen Chandrashekar, Sudarshan Kumar Kenettinkara, in MS6 Towards Practical High-Order Methods for Unsteady High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICOSAHOM, 14-18 August, 2023
  8. Error based time stepping for Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction, Arpit Babbar, Praveen Chandrashekar, Indo-German conference on Computational Mathematics (IGCM), CDS IISc & IWR Heidelberg
  9. Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction for hyperbolic conservation laws, Arpit Babbar, Praveen Chandrashekar, Sudarshan Kumar Kenettinkara, during visit at IISER-Trivandrum


  1. “Lax-Wendroff Flux Reconstruction for Compressible Flows”, PhD thesis, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Centre for Applicable Mathematics, 2024. [PDF], [Source Code], [Cite].